>>>>>>>>>>> REGISTRATION IS OPEN <<<<<<<<<<<<
Please, follow the instructions posted on this page to register at IEEE-AIM 2025.
For any other information regarding registration, send an email to info@aim2025.it.
Registration fees (in EUR)
Regular | 540 | 640 |
Member* | 500 | 600 |
Student | 430 | 530 |
Student + Member* | 390 | 490 |
Accompanying person | 100 |
* IEEE or AIMagn Members can register at a reduced rate providing their personal IEEE or AIMagn code in the registration form.
Student status applies to those who have not yet defended their doctoral thesis.
LIGHT fee includes:
- The attendance at the technical sessions
- Welcome reception, lunches and coffee breaks
FULL fee includes also the social dinner, which will be on Tuesday, February 11th.
Social dinner has a limited number of participants. Priority will be given depending on the date of registration/payment.
Accompanying person fee includes the social dinner ONLY.
Registration procedure <<<<<<<<<<<<
Registration procedure consists of two steps:
- Payment of the fee. It can be done:
- by bank transfer, from SEPA countries: EU, UK, Switzerland, Norway
- by credit card (via PayPal), from non-SEPA countries
- onsite – only by cash
A complete map of SEPA countries can be found here. Below, you will find the details for the two types of payment.
- Filling in the registration form (link). If you have problems with the form, please write an email to info@aim2025.it.
Payment details for SEPA countries: EU, UK, Switzerland, Norway
Bank transfer should be made to the following account:
Beneficiary: AIM 2025 Petaspin
IBAN: IT47P0103082530000000620128
BIC/Swift code: PASCITM1ME8
Bank name: Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Bank address: Santa Teresa di Riva, Messina
Key Word / Reason: AIM2025 Firstname Lastname
Currency: The payment should be made in Euros.
Please make sure that the transfer charges are paid entirely by the sender.
Payment details for non-SEPA countries
Please, only if you pay from a non-SEPA country, proceed with the payment with your credit card via the Paypal links in the following page: https://www.petaspin.com/aim2025_registration/
If you have accompanying persons you have to do separate credit card payments.
Cancellation policy
- For cancellations received until January 15th, 80% of the registration fee will be reimbursed.
- For cancellations received after January 15th, no reimbursement is expected.
Receipts / Invoices
We will send you the invoice of your payment during the conference. Only if you need a preliminary invoice for administrative reasons, send an email to info@aim2025.it.